Online Shopping Scam ₹ 2.5 lakhs lost by just one click, do not forget this mistake

Online Shopping Scam ₹ 2.5 lakhs lost by just one click, do not forget this mistake

Online Shopping Scam

Online Shopping Scam: Such cases have already been seen in the country before. This malware gets installed in the user's phone by a tectus message

As fast as India is moving towards Digital India, the same thing is increasing the cases of phishing, online fraud etc. For the last several years, many such cases have been registered in which people have been victims of online fraud. This led to the RBI issuing some instructions regarding malware. Now a new case has surfaced, in which 2.5 lakh rupees were stolen from the account of a businessman of New Delhi. Hackers did this by hacking their mobile. Such cases have already been seen in the country before. This malware gets installed in the user's phone by a tectus message.

Online Shopping Scam: Learn Full Case

The businessman wanted to buy furniture for his office, for which he was looking for furniture at the e-commerce website. During this he got a good deal. For this, he contacted the cellar number and contacted him. Sailor himself called retired defense officer. It was a fraud cellar. It was giving a fair deal better than the other. Due to low cost, business furniture was ready to buy. For this, the cellar sought first payment. After confirming the deal, a message came on the businessman's phone. There was a link to a website with an option like ED Money, Successful Money Transfer. Fraud cellar got remote access to the business phone by clicking on it. Let me tell you that the hacker sent in the message was shortened. This was a dickoy message.

Avoid online fraud like this:

If you ever get such a deal then know its full truth, who is giving the deal, etc. Do not click on the link given on any message, unless you are well aware of it. Do not let anyone know about your banking details. At the same time, if you ever receive a message from an e-commerce company in which the link exists, do not click on it.

Online Shopping Scam ₹ 2.5 lakhs lost by just one click, do not forget this mistake

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