pubg mobile new moon map teased with level 4 armour and other weapons

pubg mobile new moon map teased with level 4 armour and other weapons

pubg mobile new moon map teased with level 4 armour and other weapons

PUBG has pointed out several features, including the New Moon Map Level 4 Armor in its 27A update patch note.
PUBG has crafted many features including the New Moon Map, Level 4 Armor. Game developers have posted information about this. PUBG has told about the many features, including the New Moon Map, Level 4 Armor in its 27A update patch note. In addition, developers have also given players a warning about the gameplay experience. According to the developers' Warning, your gameplay experience can change dramatically after updating this new patch. Let's know about these new features.

Pubg New Moon Map - The Moon

In this new map, players will get Moonlight Weather settings. Developers said in the patches issued in the note that we have worked hard for this mode which will keep the fan intensive for a long time. After working several hours, we are working to bring this full moon mode to Players. Let's know about the main features of this map.

  • This is the largest map of PUBG till date which has an area of ​​3,476 square kilometers.

  • There is a new Zero G feature in it.

  • Even after falling into the Moon Map the players will not have Fall Damage.

  • Jump in the Moon Map and jump up to ten times the jump.

  • Players will leave your footprint in this map.

  • Players will not get any parking bikes in this map. Players will get dark in one side.

  • In this, Players will get Special Vehicle Moon Rover for Moon Map.

  • Moon Rovers will be a way of survival for players playing in this map.

New content

After this update, the players will get the Revenge Bomb which will work in all the maps. Apart from this, Players can also send pre-recorded messages before the bomb exploded. There will be Vekindi Exclusive Weapon Squirt Gun. Along with that, players will also get Level 4 Hematite which can completely stop the bullet. Apart from this, changes in game play will also be seen. Also the new features will be seen in the user interface

pubg mobile new moon map teased with level 4 armour and other weapons

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