Please read this news if you are about to get rid of Fake News on WhatsApp

Please read this news if you are about to get rid of Fake News on WhatsApp

Please read this news if you are about to get rid of Fake News on WhatsApp

According to Media Skill Start-Up Company Proto, he has shared with WhatsApp for his Checkpoint Tipline initiative. This service is not a helpline but a research project
If you believe that WhatsApp has given you a helpline number to report to Fake News, and you take any action during this election, then you are in great misunderstanding. According to Media Skill Start-Up Company Proto, he has shared with WhatsApp for his Checkpoint Tipline initiative. This service is not a helpline but a research project.

Checkpoint Tipline is primarily a way of researching data to gather. It is not a helpline that answers every user's question or any application. This is written in the FAQ on the Vesbite of Proto. Indian users can submit information about any rumor or fake news by making a message on Checkpoint Tipline's WhatsApp number + 91-9643-000-888.

Fake News will not be immediately verified:

Tipline was introduced on April 2. WhatsApp has said that Indian users will be able to share any message through which Proto can check its reliability. This initiative by the company will allow users to validate any information during the elections. However, also inform that verification message of any of the messages submitted by the user will not be given immediately. It may take some time. The priority will be given on request based on the Verification Center. On the other hand, this project will not prove to be effective at the time when it is to immediately remove any Fake News.

Whatsapp Tipline Feature Details:

Indian Whatsapp users will be able to ask questions about any rumor or any such information that they are not feeling right. This question will be asked on Checkpoint Tipline on Whatsapp. At the same time, the users will be able to know whether the messages they have received have any information to wander or not. Whatsapp users will be able to ask your questions - + 91-9643-000-888. This checkpoint is the Whatsapp account number of the tipline. The Tipline was launched in India based Media Skilling Startup PROTO.

Please read this news if you are about to get rid of Fake News on WhatsApp

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