whatsapp new update WhatsApp, will automatically play voice message

whatsapp new update WhatsApp, will automatically play voice message

whatsapp new update WhatsApp, will automatically play voice message

This feature is rolling out with WhatsApp 2.19.86 beta update. You must update your app from the server for this update
Another new feature has been added in the popular instant messaging app, WhatsApp. The voice message sent by someone due to this new feature will automatically play in the sequence order. You do not have to play the message repeatedly to listen to voice notes or messages in a sequence. In this instant messaging app owned by Facebook, this feature was being tested for beta phase for several months. Now it is rolling out with latest updates. In addition, WhatsApp Dark Mode feature is also being beta testing.

This feature is rolling out with WhatsApp 2.19.86 beta update. For this update, you need to update your app from the server. To test this feature, you can ask your friends to send a voice note to a sequence. You only have to play the first voice note. From now on, the next voice notes will start playing automatically. Apart from this, the second version of Picture In Picture mode is also being developed. You can also test it with this beta update.
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Talk about the WhatsApp Dirt Mode feature, it can also be rolled out soon. WhatsApp currently has 1.5 billion monthly users. Before the WhatsApp, the Dark Mode feature has been rolled out in messaging apps like Facebook Messenger, Viber, Telegram. Users are waiting for this feature for a long time. After the roll out of the dark mode feature of WhatsApp, users will not have trouble using WhatsApp even during the night. It will not affect the users' eyes.

whatsapp new update WhatsApp, will automatically play voice message

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